Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE)



Function of CMDE

  •  To adopt and develop the curricular units according to local needs.
  •  To develop the techniques and guidelines for continuous and comprehensive evaluation
  •  To organize workshop s for preparing learning materials which helps to impart curriculum effectively.
  •  To conduct Action Research , Debates and Seminars related to academic and administrative matters.
  •  To adopt, implement and monitor new strategies in the field of evaluation throughout the Districts.
  •  To take up researches and studies in the field of curriculum , instructional strategies and evaluation
  •  To analyse the existing curriculum , Text books, hand books and other learning materials which used in the primary and secondary level.
  •  To prepare materials for all subjects up to secondary level which smoothes the teaching learning process.
  •  To document and disseminate all educational activities in the District done by DIET and related Educational Departments, Local Self Government Institutions and related Educational Agencies.
  •  To undertake testing on sample basis to assess the learner achievements.
  •  To help educational authorities and school in implementing reliable system of valid learner evaluation.
  •  To conduct work shop for developing various materials.
  •  To conduct in-service programmes related to CMDE.
  •  To provide CMDE related inputs into all other programmes of DIET.