In-service programmes, Field interaction & Innovation Co-ordination (IFIC)


In-service education of teachers is necessary to keep them abreast of the changes taking place in their professional environment and to develop their skill and attitudes in the light and changing role. Latest approaches and methodologies should be followed in the training. This branch should also have interaction with field to identify problems and prescribes solutions. Information about worthwhile experience, innovations and success stories etc. should obtained. Action researches and experimentation needs to be conducted to tackle the specific problems. These field experienced should be used in different in-service education programmes.

Function of IFIC

  • Planning and co-ordination of in-service education.

  • Identity teachers for training, prepare annual calendar of training in and outside DIET.

  • Acts as the nodal branch for organizing in-service programmes for all categories of staff in elementary education, resource programme using distance, distance-cum teaching mode.

  • Evaluate and monitor the quality and efficiency of work programme in and outside DIET.

  • Serve as a reference/ resource centre.Serve as nodal branch for all action research.

  • Facilitate dissemination of information and co-ordination of activities.