Planning and Management (P&M)


Sr. Lecturer – PLANNING

Mob: 9496157992


Lecturer – P & M

Mob: 9447680890

This unit will maintain an appropriate data base for the district regarding UEE. In this regard some studies on enrolment, retentions and regularity of attendance including SC/ST children may be conducted for framing policies. It also provides technical assistance in the areas, school complexes and instructional areas etc. Besides this, it acts as nodal branch to select all Board of Education, involvement in basis education particularly by District Board of Education, VEC and community leaders etc.

Function of P&M

  • Prepare data base for educational planning within the district and monitor facilities in UEE/NLM.

  • Conduct policy oriented research in the areas of enrolment, retention, attendance interventions for community perception and participation, development of norms on elementary school children and AE/NFE.

  • Provide assistance to educational authorities in school mapping, micro planning.

  • Assists educational officers for micro level planning about their on functions conducting training for HMs, AEOs, BPOs etc.

  • Conduct performance improvement programme for IDCs, FTMs, and peons of educational institutions.

  • Conduct studies and researches in administration and management in the field education.

  • To give academic support to HMs in monitoring.

  • To give more support to teachers in AMP Preparation.

  • To empower the newly appointed teachers to acquaint with the current approaches in general education.

  • To strengthen the ministerial wing of general education department for the effective implementation of the programmes.

  • To empower the PEC and SMC members of schools for the total development of pupils and the institutions.

  • To empower the resource persons of the different departments of General Education for the comprehensive development of the children of age group 0-18.

  • To strengthen the Presidents and Education standing committee chairman/chairpersons of LSGIs (District Panchayath, Block Panchayath and Grama Panchayath)