Principal’s Desk

In pursuance of the recommendations of the NPE, 1986 a centrally sponsored scheme for Strengthening and Reorganization of Teacher Education was adopted by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in 1987 under which many teacher training institutions were strengthened and was upgraded to the status of DIET. The purpose of up gradation is to develop the institution into a centre of excellence in teaching and reseach. The broad functions of the Institute are: imparting pre-service and in-service education to the elementary/ secondary/ preschool special education teachers; preparing personnel for elementary teacher education institutions and their continuing education; developing and publishing for dissemination of useful materials for teachers and teacher-educators; and undertaking research, innovation and extension work in the field. The Institute had been carrying out most of these functions even before its upgradation as a DIET except that now there is an enhanced emphasis on continuing education. The Institute publishes quality material produced by its faculty for use by the classroom practitioners.